Best American Poetry, Allergic Girl
All photographs © Christopher Labzda

Stacey, MFA friend and writer, kindly asked me to do a Q&A on the Best American Poetry blog. Thanks Stacey! She wanted pictures as well. I, in turn, asked colleague Chris if he’d help out. Above are the outtakes that didn’t make it into the Q&A but are so pretty I didn’t want them to go to waste.
Chris was awarded his Master of Fine Art degree in Fine Art in 2008 from Goldsmiths at The University of London in the UK. Chris is professional, tidy with his equipment, easy to work with, captured prettiness in both the elements and the subject (i.e. the food and moi) and got some great shots in one evening in a natural setting i.e. not a studio. He can be contacted at

Stacey, MFA friend and writer, kindly asked me to do a Q&A on the Best American Poetry blog. Thanks Stacey! She wanted pictures as well. I, in turn, asked colleague Chris if he’d help out. Above are the outtakes that didn’t make it into the Q&A but are so pretty I didn’t want them to go to waste.
Chris was awarded his Master of Fine Art degree in Fine Art in 2008 from Goldsmiths at The University of London in the UK. Chris is professional, tidy with his equipment, easy to work with, captured prettiness in both the elements and the subject (i.e. the food and moi) and got some great shots in one evening in a natural setting i.e. not a studio. He can be contacted at