Allergic Girl, FAAN Walk Boston

What a wonderful day for a FAAN Walk in Hopkinton, MA, just outside of Boston. I was thrilled to meet so many of you who have already read the book and loved it – especially the grandparents, parents and teens – and to meet so many more of you who bought the book and are just getting started on this journey.
Some food allergy faves were there as sponsors like Cherrybrook Kitchen, Enjoy Life Foods, Home Free, Sunbutter, Safekeepers and Dey, makers of Epi-Pen. Two new food allergy supports were onsite and I was extra excited about talking with them.
Massachusetts General Hospital has a dedicated Food Allergy Center that is just about a year old. Here’s more info about them below and in the coming weeks, stay tuned for some interviews with the key players of this great team:
"We take a team approach at the Mass General Food Allergy Center, integrating the expertise of different clinicians to optimally diagnose and treat patients. Depending on symptoms and medical history, the care team may include:
• Allergists
• Gastroenterologists
• Nutritionists
• Psychologists
Having psychologists as part of our team is particularly useful in helping patients manage elimination diets and food aversions. In addition, we can bring in other specialists (e.g. dermatologists, pulmonologists and otolaryngologists) as indicated by your history. We are also happy to coordinate care with your existing care providers."
Also, Allergic Girl’s colleague Dr. Mike Pistiner was there with a handy tool for the food allergic community: a true or false test that is fun and educational (yes, even for lifers). Stay tuned for more info about, Dr. Pistiner and his colleague Dr. Lee.
Thank you, Boston for a great day!