Food Allergy Research, CDMRP, 2012

This is the third year that Congress has set aside funds for food allergy research.

In 2010, I was proud to be a consumer reviewer on a peer review panel in Washington DC which helped to decided where these Congressional funds should be directed.

In 2011, I was featured by the CDMRP website.

In 2012, I was honored again to be chosen to represent all of you as the consumer reviewer of current research proposals competing for congressional funds in a program called FY12 Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP). As a consumer reviewer, my mission was to evaluate the potential impact of each research proposal upon the food allergic community.  It was fascinating to read about all the different ways medical researchers are approaching the question of food allergy’s cause, prevention and potential treatment.

Thank you again CDMRP for allowing consumers directly impacted to be part of this important process!


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