Food Allergy Consulting: Starting Your Allergy Business

Sloane Miller  and Allergic Girl Resources, Inc  are proud to co-present the following business webinar:


Do you have years of personal experience with allergy, asthma and/or food allergy and want to share your knowledge in a professional setting? 

Are you a licensed health professional with experience in allergies/food allergies and want to create a business using your degree? 

Let two of the foremost experts in the field, Andrea Shainblum, CAAP, PhD, Allergy Coach and Risk-Management Consultant, and President of Allercom Allergy Consulting, Inc. and Sloane Miller, MFA, MSW, LMSW, Psychotherapist, Specialist in Food Allergy Management, show you how in a 3-hour webinar. 

In it you will learn how to leverage your strengths, create a mission statement and formulate a basic business plan.

You will walk away with clarity around your business goals, a new, supportive community of like-minded individuals, and real tools to help you get to the next steps.

Or contact us at for more information.


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