Birthday Cake, Allergen-Free
Oy! This is how crazy things have been I didn’t even get a chance to blog about my spectacular birthday cake back in mid-November! Until now, that is.
This cake was the same cake I had for my book launch party: chocolate with white icing. It was so wonderful and so well-received by all diners, that I wanted it all over again.
The cake is: vegan, gluten-free and top eight allergen-free. Yes, really. And wonderful.
The baking master that whipped up this baby for me (and she’ll make on for you too) is Heidi Bayer. Here’s her website for more baking info: Brooklyn Allergy Mom Bakes My Cake.
Enjoy Life Foods, makers treats that are top eight allergen-free, graciously donated a few bags of their Mega Chunks, which made this cake extra-extra wonderfully chocolate. Thank you Enjoy Life, for the choco-love!
And this is the only picture I have of the cake including its baker. We all dove in so quickly that there were no time for pictures.
Thanks again, Team!