Go Dairy Free by Alisa Fleming

(© Alisa Fleming, GoDairyFree.com)

Did you know that severe dairy allergies are the third fastest growing food allergy worldwide, after peanuts and tree nuts, according to Dr. Philippe Eigenmann of Geneva, Switzerland? (I saw him present about the causes of anaphylaxis at the 2008 American Academy of Asthma Allergy & Immunology (AAAAI) conference).

I know, scary stuff.

Alisa Fleming, blogger and publisher of GoDairyFree.com, has a new book called, aptly enough, Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living and it arrives just in time.

As Dr. Eigenmann discussed last spring, dairy allergies these days are not being "grown out of" so quickly, if at all. Alisa explains in her introduction: she had a milk allergy but back then no one thought to really keep her away from milk. She suffered for years with all kinds of mysterious sicknesses, allergic reactions and ailments until one smart doctor said, “Why don’t you try cutting out milk?” Thus began her journey to regained health and sharing all of her hard earned wisdom with us.

Are you a milk-allergic girl or boy? Or are you the parent, grandparent, sibling or friend of one? Then this might be the book for you this holiday season. Go Dairy Free: The Guide and Cookbook for Milk Allergies, Lactose Intolerance, and Casein-Free Living is a very well-researched book, covering all aspects of MILK, from how it's produced to the chemical compounds that cause the allergy or intolerance; how to manage your milk issues inside the kitchen and outside the home; the good and bad milk substitutes; and dairy-free recipes: all written by one who knows.


Thank you Alisa for adding this much needed voice and tome to the canon of food allergic literature!

Available online at Amazon or through Alisa’s site GoDairyFree.com.


dd03 said…
OMG! Thanks so much!
This has just gone to the top of my TBP list!
Allergic Girl® said…
yay! it's a really super helpful book...

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