all® Free clear

“Laundry detergent allergies” gets a lot of hits on the Allergic Girl blog. And I know why. So often laundry detergent is the culprit for eczema, unexplained rashes or skin irritations. I’ve even had itchy eyes and been sneezy from a strongly perfumed detergent on clean clothes so much I’ve had to rerun them in clean water. Annoying.

More and more mainstream companies have realized that the consumer (that would be US) wanted less odor from their detergent as well as a less harsh product for their skin and have made new products to keep up with that demand.

All is one of those companies.

Recently, they contacted me to ask if I would try their all® Free clear product.

Sure, why not?

Coincidentally I was talking with an allergist friend who mentioned that this is the detergent he uses for his family (he has two young children): all® Free clear. Cool, it really is recommended by at least one allergist.

I’ve been using all® Free clear for the past three or four washes and I’ve found that it’s truly low on perfume-very little smell at all-my clothes seem clean and I’ve had no adverse skin issues when wear the newly washed clothes.

So seems to be a triple win for big detergent.

Have any of your tried all® Free clear? Thoughts? Issues? Like? Dislike?


Alisa said…
I just started buying that brand, on my second container, it is great! And it goes on sale for a good price :)
Allergic Girl® said…
yeah im liking it too and i see sales on it as well which helps. i also buy ecocover when it goes on sale...
Elisabeth said…
Thanks for this post - we're in the market for a new detergent as my 2 year old, who has Food and enviromental allergies,has an itchy back pretty constantly.

We'll give it a shot. =)
Tara said…
That's what we use as well, at the recommendation of our dermatologist. I used Dreft on Ava's clothes for three years-- finally I can use ONE kind of detergent for us all. The All gets everything clean and her skin is fine!
Karla said…
We've been using it for over 2 years for my son with eczmea. Works great!
Kelly said…
i haven't tried it but i will. my 2 year old has eczema but not as bad as john had it. thanks for the review!
Erin Swing said…
I worked at Procter & Gamble for 5 years in Laundry detergent R&D. This is very close to my chest - literally & figuratively. Tide Free and Dreft are basically the same detergent with the exception the Dreft DOES contain perfume. Neither have dyes. I personally have submitted both formulations of Tide Free and Dreft liquid laundry detergent for skin sensitivity testing. It is required by law in order for us to make claims on clinical data that it is "gentle on skin." Unilever does have better grass roots marketing. They have to abide by the same claims support. However, I have conducted many side-by-side performance testing of Tide Free/Dreft vs. All small & might and Tide Free/Dreft out performs on stain removal, whiteness maintenance (dingy prevention), keeping color, etc.

I personally was wondering for 2 years if the detergent I brought home from work was causing my skin rashes. Nope, it turned out I was allergic to milk!
zebe912 said…
I've used allFree and Arm & Hammer free for years. I am very sensitive to perfumes and can't stand having a smell on my clothes. It can give me migraines although I don't have skin issues with any detergent so far. My only concern is the environmental impact of this product since its a pretty standard detergent. I've been experimenting with soapnuts recently as a result since they don't leave a smell on my clothes either.
Unknown said…
Huh, I will have to try it. I have been using some over priced stuff that doesn't clean very well...
We used All Free and Clear for years and I loved it. My only problem is that it really isn't Eco friendly. So right now I'm using Seventh Generation. I'd go back to All if they could do an Eco friendly detergent (and have it actually be Eco friendly. Not just say it is like Clorox or Palmolive).
Allergic Girl® said…
thanks everyone for your excellent comments!

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