Allergic Girl at SPOAK, NJ, 2011
Wonderful evening and discussion October 6, 2011 at the SPOAK (Support Parents of Allergic Kids) at the at the YJCC in Washington Township, NJ. The group is run by Cheryl, Jen and Dr Jen pictured below.

We had a lively Q&A after my presentation.

One question that was posed was one that I know concerns many of you: "How did you become such a confident woman who has food allergies?" My answer in brief: "Because I fully accept this aspect of myself and I know how to to care of myself in any situation." Want to know how I learned how to do that? It’s all in my book, Allergic Girl: adventures in Living Well with Food Allergies.
Thank you SPOAK for hosting such a wonderful evening and to Katz’s Gluten-Free for providing delicious treats to the group!

We had a lively Q&A after my presentation.

One question that was posed was one that I know concerns many of you: "How did you become such a confident woman who has food allergies?" My answer in brief: "Because I fully accept this aspect of myself and I know how to to care of myself in any situation." Want to know how I learned how to do that? It’s all in my book, Allergic Girl: adventures in Living Well with Food Allergies.
Thank you SPOAK for hosting such a wonderful evening and to Katz’s Gluten-Free for providing delicious treats to the group!
