Judith Jones, Food Allergies
So I’ve been reading the Tenth Muse by Judith Jones, Julia Child’s editor amongst other literary accomplishments. In the beginning of the book she off-handedly says the oddest thing about a presumed shellfish allergy. Here's the page so you can read for yourself.

My non-medical guess, she never had a shellfish allergy. But still the slivers of fish in her food, hidden, frightens me to no end...

My non-medical guess, she never had a shellfish allergy. But still the slivers of fish in her food, hidden, frightens me to no end...
I admire Judith Jones but I really hate that she included this in her book. It seems she may be in the "a little bit of the food allergen won't hurt you" camp.
I agree with you Sloane, she probably never had the scallop allergy in the first place. Maybe the richness of the sauce or unpasteurized cream is what got her.
My MIL has a serious lifelong scallop allergy and in her 70s still can't get near a scallop.