Food Allergy Action Plan, 2010

A girl walks into her doctor’s office.

The doctor says: “So, kiss any boys lately and get allergic?”

“Nope,” the girl says, “but let’s go over my food allergy action plan, just in case.”

(It’s funny because it’s true.)

I went into for my annual physical today (and flu shot, more info from FAI) and if you remember what happened last year, I thought annual refresher of my food allergy action plan was a good idea.

Have you gone over your plan lately? If not, I suggest you do ASAP. Even if you’ve had food allergies, even for forevah like me, having it written out (and pasted somewhere public in your home) can only be a good thing.

Here is a link to FAAN’s Food Allergy Action Plan for kids, here's an updated plan from FAAN; both wwork for adults, too.


Anonymous said…
Is there a place to download the form you show as the picture on your post? I prefer it to the one on the FAAN and AAAAI websites, but can't find it to download anywhere.

Allergic Girl® said…
that *is* the FAAN action plan.
missmobtown said…
Thanks for this information. I'm posting my action plan on the fridge today!

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