Fish in Your OJ?

From the NYTIMES:

"Orange juice laced with anchovies is one example of the latest way major food companies are competing for health-conscious consumers: plugging one food into another and claiming the health benefits of both....Are we really that close to a world in which food functions as a nutrient delivery system, made possible by microencapsulation and fine-spray coating?"

Sigh. Apparently we are.


As a fish allergic gal, I really don't want fish genes showing up in non-fish food.

What do you think?


Pease Porridge said…
I am totally with you on this one. I want all my foods to stay away from each other. :)

My Husband and son have many different food allergies and I have a hard enough time shopping for them.
Meghann said…
Fish in OJ??? Which OJ is that? I have a gazillion food allergies, plus I'm a vegan (ok, ok, loose vegan - I love honey). How the heck can I drink OJ if I don't want fish swimming in it?? Do they list anchovies on it, because mine just says freshly squeezed oranges...are they putting fish in the oranges and then squeezing them to get around putting fish on the label??
Geez, now I really do have to make ALL my own food.
see my low allergy blog at:
Unknown said…
I find this rather revolting. Not only have I never ever liked the idea of anchovies in my anything, but I developed rather serious food allergies while pregnant and I have a hard enough time keeping all those things out of our diet...
Unhinged said…
Scary! I also have fish allergies. It's bad enough going to certain restaurants and worrying about the kitchen cross contaminating food. Now I may have to watch my OJ?
magstermash said…
Definitely agreed. Investing in a juicer or blending your own juice is starting to sound like a great idea.
Jeremy Conner said…
While not a sufferer of food allergies, I do stand with you on the current state of our mega dietary conglomerates becoming food amalgamating scientists.

Honestly if I wanted fish I would pick it up at the store, and not in my OJ. When I buy OJ, I expect nothing more or less than...well Orange Juice.
Laura J. Davis said…
Fish in orange juice???Whose insane idea was that??
hill girl said…
I'm with you thanks for passing this information along,
Anonymous said…
I agree with you. It's seems very insane to me.
K said…
Ewww...that is really wrong. I am a food purist, so I don't like gene modification or any of these so-called quick fixes to American health. Eat your anchovies and your orange juice separately. Something tells me that if we allow food companies to keep messing around with our food, we'll have some dire consquences in the future.
Valerie said…
Hi! I just started following your blog, and noticed this. I'm with you: no fishies in non-fishy food!

Don't get me wrong, I love fish, but on it's own! This reminds me of that 'Deceptively Delicious' book Jessica Seinfeld wrote. Are we Americans lacking nutrients so badly, that we have to squoosh foods together? Ick!!!!!

P.S. I have a gallon of OJ in my fridge that I'll now eye suspiciously.
Anonymous said…
Funny coincidence, I have just written a post on my blog about DHA Click here and a) it is everywhere atm from eggs to yoghurt and b) how most things don't bother stating whether it is vegetarian sourced or fish sourced. YIKES.

even funnier, I came over to your blog because I was going to ask you to comment on DHA and lookie lookie...

And I just bought some OJ so will have to check that out, too, apparently :-(
I think that is horrible; I've found fish in yogurt (Wegman's brand) as well. As a vegetarian this very much bothers me, and is of course even much more important to people with allergies!
Unknown said…
This is disturbing and disgusting! It makes me appreciate my membership in the local, organic, community farm even more. Though I have no idea what to do with all this squash...!
Jenny said…
Fish in OJ??? Come on, people! Please don't tell me they're now going to put peanuts in apple juice.

I'm so sorry to hear about this and completely understand your horror. Most people wouldn't want this in their OJ--and food-allergic people don't need this extra aggravation!
Sue said…
ewww fish in orange juice? My opinion, gross.
Yuck! Ewww. Gross. I don't even like anchovies on my pizza. Who thinks I'm going to want them in my OJ? Can you say boycott?
Agreat said…
I'm not allergic to anything. I think its pretty disgusting. Fish in your OJ? Why can't people just go out and buy ACTUAL fish for their families. I'm sure its a lot better for them. I mean its not like there's some food shortage (like in other countries) and the only why you can get real nutrition is if you buy this crazy new stuff!
That Girl said…
oh yuck.
what will they think of next!

hello from a first time blog visitor!!
beagle said…
AGREE, 100% agree, especially i don't like fish either.
jenn said…
Not a fish allergy girl, but I think the idea is revolting. Ugh. Didn't they do the same with that double churned ice cream?

I know that people with allergies are always supposed to be vigilant, but I (perhaps wrongly) assume that there are some things that are pure and safe and that I don't have to ask 100 questions about.

It would even never *occur* to me to ask, "does this orange juice contain fish or fish genes?" Wow.
jessicaaaapaek said…
i just stumbled across your blog in the blogs of note section and i just wanted to say that i'm 15 and i'm allergic to gluten (and any bread product even if its gluten free), dairy, peppers, chicken, peanuts, pineapple, and almost every artificial dye used in candy. your blog helps me see that there are people who actually care about what goes into our food. thank you and keep up the awesome work! :)
Katie Lou said…
HI! I just found your blog, and LOVE it! I have two small children with mulipile, severe FA's, and your sight has been wonderful for me!

First of all, I think it is just plain gross to have fish in our OJ! It is crazy some of the things that our in our foods!
Eternal Lizdom said…
Just found your blog and am enjoying it.

Mostly wanted to say that the idea of anchovies in orange juice is disgusting. Truly. Revolting. And insulting, when you think about it.
Fish in orange juice? Wow. What's next? Turkey apple juice?
GFree_Miel said…
Fish in orange juice????? I'm not allergic to fish, but that is...ugh!!! Do people actually buy that? Dumb question. People buy anything food companies say is healthy. I'll steer clear of any fishy orange juice!
PD said…
Fish in Orange Juice ? Disgusting!
Let the OJs be left at least under the veg section. No fusion of veg and non-veg.


That just sounds truly awful.
vickyvk said…
That's silly. Our culture is so nutrient obsessed that we don't believe in eating the actual foods that naturally have the right nutrients, we'd rather inject them into foods so it's more 'convenient'.
How healthy is that really I wonder?
My sister is highly allergic and I think that it is going to cause more issues for people than it's worth - if people want to really eat healthy they will go the extra mile on their own.
Anonymous said…
My guy is deathly allergic to fish, but he loves orange juice. An accident with one of these products would kill him.

By the way-
Just who do they think they are. If we wanted fish in our diets we would eat fish...if we don't, those of us who shop are adult enough to decide. We don't need Big Brother deciding for us.

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