Book Available NOW!

I've heard from two reliable sources: Amazon is shipping my book early - as in you, can get it now! (and cheap: $15.81 )

Buy here:

Woo and Hoo!


Anonymous said…
Received my book today and I can't wait to start reading it with my (peanut allergy) daughter. She will be relieved to find out that her anxieties are normal. This is really going to be a great tool for her as she grows. Couldn't have come at a better time for her as she is about to enter the the teenage years. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Lainy said…
Although I have no food allergies myself, my 5 year-old son does. I want to be able to put myself in his shoes and try to help him the best way I can. I can't wait to get my hands on this book!

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