Eczema, NIAID

According to a NIH/NIAID press release, October is Eczema Month. No surprise to me as my eczema started flaring up on my hands about two weeks ago i.e when the weather changed. More from the NIH website:

Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as eczema, is a chronic condition of the skin that affects an estimated 9 to 30 percent of people in the United States...AD is closely associated with other allergic diseases, including food allergy, asthma, and allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Children whose parents have asthma and allergies are more likely to develop AD than children of parents without allergic diseases. Approximately 30 percent of children with AD have food allergies, and many develop asthma or respiratory allergies. People who live in cities or drier climates also appear more likely to develop AD.” 

And here’s a video about wrap therapy and eczema from NIH/NIAID

Have more questions or concerns, contact a board certified allergist in your local area. You can find allergists through your medical insurer, or


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