CruiseWest and Food Allergies

This comes from the lovely Vittoria of Deliciously GF.


Dear Allergic Girl,

I wanted to let you know about a great eating experience I had recently.

For my birthday/vacation my parents and I went on a cruise to Alaska. My mom chose the company CruiseWest and they have a food needs form for booked guests. I filled out the form and spoke with the booking agent about my dietary needs. I was reassured that they could handle my needs...they even have a gluten free option.

When I arrived on the ship the second mate found me and brought the chef up to meet with me. He was absolutely great! He had read all my notes and fully understood my limitations.

Every morning after breakfast he found me and we discussed the day’s menu, what I wanted to have and how he could prepare it.

For my birthday, rather then making a cake for my table to share, he made a great fruit puree with no sugar or dairy for me and everyone at my table.

It was so wonderful to be so well taken care of and not to have to worry about what kind of food I was going to get. I didn't need to eat any of my “emergency safe foods” until we left the ship.

I know there were other diners with restrictions/allergies who got the same kind of attention as well.



How awesome is that! Great way to advocate for your needs Vittoria and great job handling them CruiseWest!

Love it when that happens!


Kelly said…
Thank you thank you thank you for posting this! We have been wanting to take our 8 year old on a cruise but she has life-threatening tree nut allergies. Now I know there is at least one company that will cater to her. Thanks!
Jules said…
Aw, that was so nice. :)
Anonymous said…
I may have to book my next cruise with them. That's so awesome that they actually accommodated something like that!
ThaBiGGDoGG said…
WOW that was nice of them to bring you that fruit puree. What kind of foods did you have for your "emergency safe foods"?
Iago de Otto said…
Wow, Allergic Girl, that is just wonderful. I am very, very happy for you that you had this happen on your birthday cruise. Kudos to that chef for taking the time to pay this extra attention to your needs and meet with you like that every morning. Very cool.
Dawn said…
Very cool. I'm still navigating the gluten-free world, so it's reassuring to know there are options out there.

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