Trip Snacks

My family loves to eat well.

My family also becomes quite agitated if they don’t eat often—we call it “distemper”. Ha ha, but really, it’s not so funny; low blood sugar levels can get to be serious business.

So when we travel we take snacks—at least my mother does, my father usually forgets to eat and yells for no reason. And I always have a litte something in my purse.

It’s especially important for me to pack snacks, even though I’m over the age of ten, because these days I am: gluten-free, diary-free, soy-free, sugar-free and, of course as always, nut-free.

So as I’m going out to Long Island for my dear friend Isabel’s wedding, I’m packing snacks. A lot of them. I will be driving a snack-mobile.

I’m bringing organic corn chips and salsa, organic popcorn, Enjoy Life cookies , rice milk and dried fruit. And whatever else I can think of.

I’ve already contacted the chef at the Inn where we’re staying and he said they would have no trouble accommodating my needs—so that’s good. I've emailed with the bride to alert the caterer that I can't eat fish and will need something else and she said that would be no problem.

So I'm getting all set to go smell some ocean air and dance the hora!


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