Interview on

It's up, my interview on! So exciting. Have a look and let me know what you think!


ByTheBay said…
Yay for the interview, it's wonderful! Mazel tov. I hope I'm in NY longer next time (I was there this weekend and had just enough time to go to Risotteria) and we can meet up and go have a fabulous meal together. BTW would be willing to link to my bloggity blog? Thanks.
Great interview and I do love your blog. Took me a while to find you, but I'm glad I did.
ByTheBay said…
Hi! To answer your question in my blog, I am hoping to make gluten-free sufganot and also revise my old latke recipe (which uses matzo meal). If I find the time, that is! Speaking of matzo meal, have you ever tried or considered trying the oat matzos that are on the market? I need to get my hands on some of those well before Pesach.
Allergic Girl® said…
just found these guys, , i didn't even know this was possible!! i think we should start a jewish GF foods recipe round robin thingy, yes?

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