I Can Eat It - Sale

I Can Eat It, importers of that decadent gluten-free croissant informed me they are having a sale!

From Bruno: “We're having a 10% sale on the products listed below; prices are BEFORE the 10% discount. We have limited quantities available as the products need to be consumed before September. First call, first served."

"Shipping will depend of the quantity your order. If your order fits in a priority mailbox, it costs approximately $10 ( which is 5 to 6 products). Otherwise we ship UPS and we inform our client about the cost before shipping."

Olive Bread: $7.50
Petite baguette: $6.20
Country loaf: $6.70
Sliced fiber bread: $6.20
Mini chocolate muffin: $7
Chocolate marble: $6
Madeleine: $6

** Additionally, if you order any regularly priced item and mention "ALLERGIC GIRL SENT YOU", you will recieve a 5% discount. Nice!**


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