Quality Meats

Recently, a date took me to Quality Meats for our first dinner together. Before we went, I called and spoke with the manager on duty, Mauricio, who assured me that the staff took allergies very seriously and the chef would be pleased to accommodate me. Rah!

Up entering Quality Meats, the manager on duty, Jody, told me Mauricio had apprised them of the Allergic girl situation, he had made notes in the computer and that Chef Drew would come by our table personally to discuss the menu. Fantastic!

Upon sitting down a warm and smiley Chef Drew indeed came over to our table, walked me through the whole menu, telling me what was Allergic girl safe. Sadly, not too, too much. For example, they use the fryers for everything, and a lot of the sides were in some delicious way fried. However, we settled on a nice filet mignon and some steamed asparagus, which were done perfectly. No allergic or food intolerance issues, and I was able to thoroughly enjoy my date. [PS because I know you're going to ask, the next date fizzled. Ah well.] The Executive Chef Craig Koketsu came by our table after the meal to check in make sure everything was fine, and executed without any issue, which it was.

Thank you Quality Meats!

I left Quality Meats thinking: this can’t be a fluke. I’m certain I'm not simply stumbling upon the “right” chefs, or just the few sympathetic chefs out there. There is a true understanding of the issue afoot! And there seems to be a real desire to feed patrons safely.

It only gets better if people with allergies like us continue to patronize restaurants, let them know what we want and how to feed us and return often and tell friends.

Quality Meats
57 W. 58th St.,
New York, NY 10019


Unknown said…
>I was able to thoroughly enjoy my date. [PS because I know you're going to ask, the next date fizzled. Ah well.]

AG, ya lost me .... lol .... did you mean the rest of this date fizzled??
Allergic Girl® said…
lol, hey jonah.

the date at QM was great, beginning to end.

however, the next time we were supposed to go out [the 3rd date], problems ensued and the potential fizzled.

makes sense now?
Unknown said…
yup, lol .... too bad, AG, 'cuz you are a lovely woman who deserves the best !!
Allergic Girl® said…
awww, thanks!

happy chanukah!
foodie said…
Wish I had such a happy experience at Quality Meats. Quality Meats served my son "dairy-free" sorbet that contained whey! It's a long story...but, bottom line...they knew about his allergies (emails and phone calls before our visit); they knew we were in NYC for a special occasion (my parents' 50th anniversary); they recommended the sorbet as a safe dessert option and ASSURED me that it was dairy-free; they never bothered to check the ingredients! He had an anaphylactic reaction (throat closing, difficulty breathing) requiring epipen along with a ride with medics to Mt. Sinai. Days later, they finally got around to emailing me the ingredients (which CLEARLY stated whey!). My only requests to them were 1) that they implement food allergy training for their restaurant group and 2) repay our medical expenses and some of the trip's expenses (the part of the trip that they ruined). They gladly had their insurance company send me a check for some expenses. But, they REFUSED to commit to me that they would implement a food allergy training program. This restaurant group is a huge disappointment.

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